Reimagine IT IT Transformation

IT Transformation Journey

The implementation of a statewide multiyear IT Transformation effort requires a structured programmatic approach with effective leadership. To support the Governor's vision, OIT created a Results Management Office - to run and provide accountability for the program so that progress is properly tracked and transparent. While OIT has been charged with leading the state's IT Transformation Program, it takes a collaborative and unified effort across the State of Colorado to reimagine IT in state government. 

Where We're Going: The Bold Path Forward

To accelerate and sustain effectiveness of the statewide IT Transformation, changes are required in three primary areas:

Expanding agency accountability and ownership of IT, including:

Increasing the role and voice of agencies in statewide IT direction by establishing governance bodies over:

Investing in programmatic improvement of the following OIT processes:

Where We've Been

From January to December 2019, OIT conducted analyses of the state’s current IT operations and environment. These efforts identified gaps in the state’s service delivery environment relative to industry leading practices. Findings included the need to establish a new business model that will support more customer-focused service delivery - especially for major IT projects, increase IT resource sharing, align IT priorities with business needs, and improve OIT business processes.

OIT received input from agency participants, business leaders, and IT leaders to inform the identification of IT transformation needs and plans. Planning identified needed improvements to efficiency, transparency, and customer satisfaction. Work began with our agency partners to transform the culture and the way we conduct business. See these examples of progress made toward the future state vision prior to the Aug. 11, 2020 official IT Transformation Program launch: 

IT Leadership & Governance

A structure that supports collaborative IT oversight, strategic direction, and coordinated budgeting. 

The statewide IT Steering Committee was formed and its charter created along with roles and responsibilities clarification.

IT Talent

An organization model oriented towards increased alignment with agency business needs supported by strategies for talent growth, retention, and attractions.

Restructured OIT’s organization and hired new executives, launched the Colorado Digital Service, and began to establish consistent agency teams.

IT Financial Management

Increase financial transparency to support improved agency financial planning, increased oversight of vendors, and more streamlined processes for IT procurement. 

Began building financial transparency with real-time billing, IT rate study, and review of asset ownership along with steps to improve the procurement / contracting processes.


Improve use of modern technologies to support online and digital government along with defined services and coordination with customers. 

Launched an incubator with dozens of new technology pilots and myColorado; supported transition of state employees to work remotely and catalyzed digital transformation.


Maintain a robust security organization supported by a culture of compliance in partnership with agencies. 

Focused on securing IT operations and completed agency security assessments.

Service Excellence

Foundational support to enable IT to function effectively through defined processes and a service catalog. 

Established a Customer User Group, conducted the Net Promoter Score Survey (NPS), and drafted agency plans to improve NPS.